43 Year Idahoan

Jackie Davidson
for District 16B Legislature
Overall Tax Relief
Protecting Rights


Jackie Davidson
District 16B Legislative Candidate
House Speaker Mike Moyle Endorsement
House Speaker Mike Moyle has been doing an excellent job running the House Legislature. He is fair and true.
I have been talking with him and I'm pleased to announce that he has given his endorsement to my campaign. I believe he realizes the importance of having someone with integrity in this position.
I hope you agree with him and will give me your vote. If so, thank you!!

Hi my name is Jackie Davidson, your candidate for House Representative 16B. I LOVE IDAHO and the things and values it stands for. Over the years, I’ve seen Idaho change and grow.
As your representative from District 16, I hope to be involved with the legislature’s Joint Finance/Appropriations Committee, also known as JFAC. This committee works with Idaho’s state departments, ensuring your tax dollars are spent wisely. I will work with other legislators to find ways to trim the budgets, while keeping great services. This could lead to lower taxes.
When you vote for me, Jackie Davidson, I will be the legislator you can be proud of.
Let’s keep Idaho, THE WAY WE LOVE IT.